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So I got an idea for fdevs…

If the whole problem of not giving updates to the game is lack of staff or resources to manage their project why they don't make like a raising fund for them and let the current people attempt to resurect the game? Make some calculations to decide how much they need to make great updates and set the goal. Maybe even they can promise, players helping the fund, exclusive stuff, for example if they make base building, the supporters can have more options for customisations, same with ship interiors and adding new ships and new stations, people can build and own for end game content.
Another idea I got is for them to launch event or just simple polls, for what people want the most and aim to do that.
In my opinion it is much better to have more and more content even with bugs rather than giving new stuff once in 3-5 years and then trying to fix them. Unpopular opinion, but bugs are even fun unless they give players like, unlimited stuff.
I just really like the game, but the lack of decent content that most people want makes so much people leave ;(
(sorry if my english is bad it isn't my first language)


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