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Special Delivery and 128 Frostnite help

I'm looking for help with the current special delivery Frostnite missions (and might also need help top it off when it becomes available tonight but at a later date) and doing the 128 frostnite.

I am currently power level 109 and main an outlander. My playstyle in frostnite is to usually go around the edge of the map collecting blu glow and looting, and return around wave 3 to help out with everyone else

Any help is good help but I will need someone to bring me to a 128 mission.

For Special Delivery I have 2 friends down to play but we need one more to help us (the lowest power level mission we could do would be 40)

If you are looking for help or want to help me my Fortnite is: Blitz_William46
And if you want to contact me via discord it's: Blitz Will 46#6915


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