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Stages of tarkov players

Note: This is a low effort post about a topic I know little about and is just intended for humor. Please don't get smart in the comments. Also I'm not claiming that this is super original I got the idea from tf2 player stage videos and leviticus stuffs. XD

Stage 1 – The Noob

The tarkov newbie is an interesting phenomenon. Without having invested much time into the game, deaths don't feel like great losses and thus the player is content with using all gear available and losing it in the first 15 seconds of a raid. An adorable group of innocents, yet to taste the blood and sweat that floods the city of tarkov.

Stage 2 – Pain

Having spent time and energy on the game, the player now begins to realize the value of roubles and rages frequently. It is at this stage that the player's sanity begins to decline, and some may uninstall, while others remain determined to find the light at the end of the tunnel, no longer shielded by the bliss of ignorance.

Stage 3 – A fork in the road

At this stage, two kinds of players emerge. On the one hand, there are the husks. Mindless, PMC only, all-in, nothing to lose zombies that push every fight for no apparent reason and lose roubles consistently, floating only on tri-weekly account resets. The other group of players find a seemingly healthier lifestyle, playing primarily scav, or occasionally hatchet running/pistol running as a pmc.

Stage 4 – Development

The aforementioned player groups now develop in stage 4, with the former group improving at pvp, and thus breaking their curse and becoming more logical, but still aggressive players. They evolve into a highly respected, well known group of entities known only as chads, committing themselves to particular weapons and/or maps and hunting their victims with pleasure. The latter group has devolved into something far worse. Known as rats, they scurry just out of sight, never spending more than 10k on a run and fleeing from any sign of potential combat. They rely on left behind loot, including corpses from others' fights, for roubles, which, as previously stated, will likely never be spent, and instead kept as a twisted trophy for these sick players.

Stage 5 – Gigachads and Mutant rats

The final stage of development, chads now become gigachads, feared by all and masters of their weapons and maps of choice. Excelling in pvp, they never back down. And at last, we arrive at the mutant rats, of which there are 3. One type is the teamkiller, manipulating and taking advantage of friendly players to steal their loot, even at the cost of scav karma. The second is the lab rat, stalking the empty halls of the lab for incredible amounts of loot without engaging in much pvp. The final form of rat is the most hated kind of tarkov player, so much so that merely speaking of them is believed by some to bring bad luck, and people pray that the all-powerful gods known only as "devs" will slay these wicked beings. I am of course referring to………the c| h| e| a| t| e| r. I cannot speak of their specific tendencies here, for my own well being. But I leave you all with one important message: fear the one with the scripts, or you will find yourself lost in a world where anyone can be…..AMOGUS.


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