Stupid trade spammers

I know nothing ever really gets added to this side of the game, but I am begging, can we please have some kind of QOL addition to the game to block, or be able to vote kick these stupidass trade spammers.

Most other online games have them. A simple vote to kick. Maybe put AFK, Griefing, Mission Sabotage, and a couple other options in there. Allow the other players in game to vote to kick. Even put an auto counter so that after so many times in a period of time, a short auto ban or something.

I usually play 3 or 4 games a night before bed. I ended up trying 7 and only got 3 done because of people either trade spamming and leaving when I refused so the mission failed or the stupidass greifers who just try to constantly box you in and then teabag. It's getting ridiculous. No wonder the player base on this side is so low. Having to work as a team with a bunch of children and idiots with no way for us to self regulate it is really off-putting.

"Deal with it" isn't a viable option. If they aren't going to give us a bunch of stuff in StW to stop this stuff, at least give us some stuff to auto-mod ourselves so the game can be more enjoyable for those who do.


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