Suboptimal Deckinclusions that just work because they are unexpected?

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

Hi everyone,

i wanted to hear some stories of off-meta/unusual/plain stupid card inclusions in your decks that work because these cards shouldnt even be in your deck and thats kinda what makes them good because the opponents dont expect them.

For example i had a stint where i included g:igni in pretty much every non-devo list even some that already had quite a bit of control and it paid of way more often then i myself expected because people just dont play around g:igni against certain decks.

My most recent secret tech is Dire Bear in my SK-Pirates list. That card won me a lot of games in the current meta. Its good vs vamps and good vs NR Mages. Is it optimal? Probably not! But i feel like most of my opponents dont even know what the card does. I had a Assimilate-Player steel it in round 3 with Double Cross i then played my own in the other row and shortly after he realized and forfeited xD

What are your secret tech cards that make you burst out laughing when they pay of because the opponent played perfectly into them?


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