Suggestions for future “events”

I hope everyone else is loving this "event" just as much as I am, and was wondering if anyone else has ideas for BSG on future "events".

I for one have come up with a few.

  1. Scav runs only, no more PMC for the length of the event.

  2. Keyboard and mouse can no longer be used as your input device, everyone has to play on controller for the event.

  3. Melee weapons only for 5 days.

  4. Tinnitus event. Fire a gun indoors without hearing protection? Enjoy a nice ringing noise in your ears for every raid the rest of the event.

  5. Income tax. Everyone must file income tax with Therapist for your in game earnings. Make a mistake, or file incorrectly? You will be held financially responsible.

  6. Some form of Snoop Dogg crossover event, maybe have him as an in-raid trader?

These are just SOME, of the ideas I've had that I figure would be just as fun as the current "event". Let's hear what else you can come up with.


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