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Tarkov Helper – Discord Bot

I've been working on a discord bot of mine for quite some time now and with it receiving one of its biggest updates yet, I thought I'd share it with everyone.

Tarkov Helper is meant to make it as easy as possible to retrieve information about Tarkov whether it be finding what quests require what item, finding out the current price of an item and the price history or maybe you want to have a map open so you will stop getting lost, I've got you covered.

You can add the bot using this link here or visit the page here

There's also a github repo for people who are interested in that

Before you ask about what prefix to memorize or how to send a command, all you have to do is type a / and you will see all of the commands that Tarkov Helper has and what arguments to put in

Here's a short list of some of the most powerful commands in Tarkov Helper

  • /needforquest: Shows if the specified item is needed for quests and how
  • /price: Returns price info of a specified item as well as what trader buys it for the most and more
  • /pricehistory: Displays a graph of the item's history of prices for up-to 30 days
  • /penchance: Displays a graph showing the bullet's chance to pen a piece of armor and the average shots to pen/zero it
  • /xpto: Calculates the experience needed to reach a certain level from another level
  • /bitcoinfarm: Calculates the amount bitcoins and rubles per day of a bitcoin farm with x amount of gpus
  • and more!


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