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Tarkov’s FPS Situation & misinformation

Yes a silly OP cpu & gpu & ram combo will get you 100ish fps if you're lucky, is it a solution to your fps issue? no it's only avoiding the true problem.

The way tarkov handles client and server is the reason why the games fps is so insanely bad, a decent game to compare this too would be the ArmA series, poor servers = poor fps, the reason for that is because of the way tarky handles the AI + Players in the lobby, that is what absolutely TANKS your fps not the game or engine itself, if you run a game offline with no AI you get perfectly smooth fps, if you then run an offline with AI enabled that perfect fps drops by about 40-50 despite it still being offline the AI alone absolutely TANKS fps no matter what PC you have so basically you're throwing money an something that's overkill to compensate for the poor coding of the game itself.

Examples here, theres people saying that 8700k's are "too weak for tarkov" and 16gb 3200mhz ram is "too slow and too little for smooth gameplay" that is the most INCORRECT statement i've heard in the history of gaming and ima prove to you why.

I have a an i7 3770 and 16gb of DDR3 1600mhz that is 5 cpu generations older and extremely slower memory now what's interesting to me is i can run tarkov at an avg of 60-70fps with a lowest of 50 on lighthouse, considering the i7 8700k is "struggling to get 80fps" and the 11k series and new amd chip bearly gets "110-120fps" like im sorry but the stupid amount of money just to get an extra 30fps is just straight up not worth it as for the ram my fps is completely stable and absolutely NEVER stutters.

The way you fix stuttering is to setup your virtual memory/pagefile on an SSD that completely fixes the stutter issue, doesn't matter how much ram you have tarkov & windows will ALWAYS use pagefile incase of leaks or memory dumps, basically even with my medicore setup my performance is still hanging with 8th gen cpu's and 2070gpus which is absolutely laughable, the only reason that's possible is because the game is UN-OPTIMISED so please everyone stop telling people to spend over £700 on a mobo, ram and cpu just to gain an extra 30-40fps… spending money isn't the solution, fixing the way the game handles locational data and AI data is the solution.


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