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Tarkovs hipfire

Is busted, laser accurate, you can easily buy a blue laser and have good accuracy, they have to rework adsing its wayy to slow and clumsy and the recoil is ridiculous i mean why would i bother aiming when i can just swing and spray at head level perfectly accuratrly as if i was holding my gun to my shoulder with 4 poc

Hipfiring is way too good and adsing is way too bad i mean honestly i love hipfiring kids but it feels like an arcade csgo shooter and less gritty and realistic

Could probably keep hipfire the same and rework adsing and how the recoil literally knocks you off the thing youre aiming at

But knowing tarkov if they ever aknowledged this they would probably nerf the hell out of adsing and then be like voila!~

Feels like this game is kind of going down the shitter right now, i know people want a gritty realistic game but i feel like the games just becoming anti fun
Like why did you nerf aquamaris and all hideout crafts like wtf

After nerfing the flea aswell pretty hard (which at the time i agreed with)

Idk, i love tarkov and those exhilirating moments you get from a good firefight. Its a shame the game seems to be pushing further and further away from that


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