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The best AP ammo should be found in raid only. Change my mind.

I know usec an the lore and all, however AR platforms,and AP ammo should be a lot harder to find what do you think?

Edit: I’d like to thank everyone for their thoughts. I’d like to clarify a few things.

I want it to be FIR only. No flea no trader, and it should be very rare, as well as AR platforms. I love the early/mid wipe fights. Piece meal gear, slapping mods on your gun mid raid, and … topping off your mag with those three AP rounds you just found. That’s my Tarkov. IMHO you shouldn’t be able to run chad kits over an over an over. The cost to run high end military gear raid after raid should be brutal upon death. This is suppose to be a war zone/survival situation, that shit just wouldn’t be laying everywhere due to geographic location and supply shortages after any length of time. This would cause people to use their gear intelligently, oh I need to run into factory an plant these markers, you know you are going to run into lots of action there. Time to gear up. OTOH it should make just as much sense to throw a duffel over your shoulder with a shotty if you need to run to get some meds then run out. I’ve played every patch. Limping out of a raid with half a mag left hauling out a few extra goodies after a close call is as good as this game gets… again just my opinion.

The codification of tarkov is killing it for me. I know changes are coming, I still have faith.


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