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The Diretide mount design problem

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

Alright so everyone knows the ice frog mount is probably the best mount. The fix for it is simple, if heroes got dismounted from the ice frog mount when they took damage, that should balance it a bit.

But balance is not the only issue with the mounts. The fact is that, the other mounts are extremely tedious and fiddly to play with. The ice frog mount is the only smooth feeling mount by design.

For example look at the snowball mount. You just respawned and a fights are breaking out all over the map as usual. But your stupid snowball mount takes time to accelerate and whenever you hit any terrain, your mount slows down to a crawl and sometimes gets bumped in the opposite direction. So you end up having 2 options:

  1. OPTION 1: Have your camera watching the important fights breaking out all over the map. Your camera is not on your hero. Meanwhile your hero is constantly hitting terrain here there and everywhere and it's slowing the mount so much that you my as well not have a mount because your snowball is constantly moving at minimum movespeed from hitting cliffs and trees
  2. OPTION 2: Fix your camera on your hero and micro your hero to avoid obstacles in your path so you can get to your destination without bumping into anything
    1. Meanwhile, your camera is missing all the action happening all over the map and the truth is, who the hell wants to constantly micromanage their hero's movement like that, it's so tedious!

Also, other mounts all have bad turn rates, they can't turn properly.

Only the ice frog mount can turn as you wish, and in a game where there is a constant dance of going forward a bit to poke and then retreating a bit and then moving forward and retreating constantly, all that requires you to react to stuff that's happening and frankly all the other mounts feel horrible in this regard except the ice frog mount.

Being able to advance and retreat at will is super important in Dota and all the mounts prevent that due to horrible turn rate, except the ice frog mount.


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