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The Empire’s new view.

So I'm sure the majority of us have read the new galnet article describing Emperor Arrisa Lavigny Duval's intention for the Empire to no longer take part in and cooperate with Inter-Power Anti-Xeno operations with the Federation and Alliance, and to "go it alone". Additionally she expressed the intent to remove any funding going towards external sources outside of the Empire, and instead to reinvest it towards Imperial Scientists and Corporations to both assist in developing purely Imperial Anti-Xeno technology, and towards the Imperial Navy to further protect our Imperial borders.

As such, I'm curious to hear folks views on the matter. Was it oddly convenient? expecially since we have the all-powerful Stargoid on it's way to say hello to the bubble at the same time. Or perhaps was it even a wise decision to pull away Imperial funding and support at this desperate hour? Perhaps it was a foolish decision? Severely weakening Human forces…

Speak your mind CMDR's…


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