The importance and significance of last pick in ranked pubs and how it’s their duty to salvage a bad draft.

Mod Skin Dota 2

Drafts play a very major role in the game. I think people need to be willing to adjust to the situation and pick a hero that is best for the game when you have an imbalanced hero. Even if your team mate is griefing, you still have one final pick to fill the holes in the team.

Despite there being a Pos.1-5 system, there are soo many different types of heroes within each of these roles. There are heroes that are level dependent, item dependent, backline heroes, front line heroes, tower pushers, team fighters, pickoffers(nukers)….etc.

For example in the 3. position, there are heroes that are amazing front liners like UL and there are heroes that are backline initiators like Enigma.

I see alot of games fall apart during the draft, because the support player picked a greedy hero or the offlaner picked a hero like weaver, bounty…etc. which leads to games where you have a draft full of backliners with no hero able to provide a front line in team fights or ability to siege. More often than not, people start flaming each other for bad picks but the solution is simple.

there is a way to salvage that, which is last pick. The MAIN role of the last picker is to see what is required in the game and pick it, I have seen alot of people who have a single hero pool but still fight over the last pick because they are a mid or carry player, like they are entitled for it. It should go to the most versatile player because even Pos.5 heroes can fill some draft holes these days(Eg. Clock work can front line and initiate)

The last picker does not only need to look at what hero counters the opponents line up but they need to also look at their own draft aswell.


If I am pos.2 last picker and my Pos.3 picked a weaver and I notice that I have 2 squishy backliners as supports. I can still go heroes like Mars(if we need initiation and team fight), DK(front line and tower push)….etc.

or If I am a pos.1 last picker and I notice that my Pos.2 and Pos.3 do not provide frontline capabilities, I can still go carry the game as a hero like Bristle or even a greedy pos.3 hero like Timber if the drafts allows for it.


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