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the new smurf banning system doesnt work. heres why.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

before anyone says "but mah account got banned", yes, because it was likely a new smurf.

but old accounts? untouched by the new system and guess what? because of that account boosters and smurfers are largely unaffected or rather EARN MORE from said changes because the demand for old accounts went up due to new accounts not being viable.

so banning new smurfs means eventually smurf accounts will dry up right?

see you would think that but account buyers and sellers work like waves of an ocean.

small ego bad player buys boosted divine account to feel good, loses tons of games, sells "crap jinxed" account, buys another high rank.

when small ego bad player sells bad account, smurf buys it, gets back to high tier, sell account because games aren't "GGEZ" stomps, buys new low account due to bad small ego player who kept losing.

the smurf market is self sustaining because of this and not applying the new smurf banning system to older accounts means this flux continues as usual.


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