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The recoil in this game makes absolutely no sense. An AK with no butt stock can be fired in full auto with reasonable control. There is an abundant amount of footage of Russians doing exactly this.

Forcing extreme recoil and the recoil system the game has at the moment is about as far away from any “hardcore” shooter as you could have.

Once the “gap” widens between those who play all day and those who cannot – and we’re left with nothing but low-level AK builds and PS rounds we also suffer behind not being able to compete due to not even being able to hold down the trigger to try and compete.

Worse, there isn’t even a recoil bonus for using these weapons in semi-auto. At the very least, you could have made the game give different recoil dynamics going semi to at least give people like me a window into competing with the no-life players who start shredding everyone a month into the wipe.

Don’t get me started on how this issue impacts boss fights and raider run-ins.

It’s a pathetic and lazy “Band-Aid” on an issue they cannot work out for themselves. You’d think they’d have paid some attention to this by now, as some people have done a great deal of research on the mechanics and the lack of any sense they make.

/u/trainfender – being stubborn here is just going to alienate a ton of your players. It would be good to see you do the right thing here and fix these issues for the community. Remember, your community exists outside of streamers as well.

Edit: I have an account created in 2017. I’m not a new player.

Edit: BSG dick riders not interested in making the game better. Shouldn’t have thought I’d get anything different in here. The most useless and toxic sub of any game.


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