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The Tradeoff

In the past two weeks I cant honestly say I've ran into a blatant cheater and because of it I've had more fun playing this game than in a long time and many of you on here can attest that I could complain about cheaters with the best of them, especially early wipe.. But, I honestly havent seen any lately, and US EAST was infested with them early wipe and the only reason I can think they have died down was because of this most recent ban wave which included the RMT bans. This is subjective because some people say they havent ran into any cheaters while others (like myself) couldnt get into a single raid without knowing we were going to die to a cheater. So, I here streamers saying to Un-Ban everyone until they fix the RMT ban issues and I have to wonder if that happens will we go back to cheater infested early wipe? who knows, but as of right now, on US EAST, LATE NIGHTS, the raids have been fucking amazing.


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