Things I hate most about the game’s current state

  • Trading

This is what I hate most about the game right now, and for a few reasons

  1. I'm pretty sure everyone who has done their pwo challenge is extremely annoyed at getting boxed up to kids asking “do you want to trade? DO YOU WANT TO TRADE?” This ruins the game not only for me, but most importantly to the people who are playing for the first time. I know damn well if I started playing today, had this shit happening to me, I would abandon the whole game. I would assume if this is happening in the very first zone, it would happen everywhere else, and quit. I don't want to play a game where my teammates are constantly griefing me and the mission.
  2. It makes players like me feel like I was cheated out of the whole game. I’ve been playing for years now, and all the work I’ve done feels wasted knowing that I could just get everything I want for free in the very first mission I play by basically just asking for it. In theory, trading is amazing for the game, but it’s abused so much it should just be removed. I do not want to hear 12 year old kids in stonewood saying, “Oh, my Nocturno is 144, sheeesh.”, "I've seen so many people with that weapon, why don't I have it?", and “I’ll give someone a stack of Sunbeam if you can give me max brick.” This should not be happening. Just spend 10 minutes using a farming loadout and keep your shiny crystals to yourself.
  3. I’m tired of people getting carried to msk and trying to flex their mythic weapons which they don’t even deserve. I don’t want to hear, “It’s not cheating, it’s being smart because I can do all the ssds early and find someone to do msk with me.” This should also not be happening. SSD's should be locked to the story, and people should not be allowed to enter a zone if they don’t have the required power level, period. Technically this is not trading, but it’s related in the same sense of defeating the entire purpose of the game.

I'm finally done with my pwo challenge now, (thank god) but it still pisses me off that this still happens, even if I don't experience it anymore.

  • Animals

This is probably the most controversial thing added to stw. Every other day/few days I see someone somewhere mention something about animals. You see a large chunk of people say “Don’t remove the animals, just change them so they aren’t as annoying,” and you also see a large chunk of people say “Fuck the animals, just remove them”. Whatever you say, you can still agree that animals as they are right now are detrimental to the game. I’m so tired of minding my own business mining a tree, and hearing a wolf on the other side of the map send the worst possible noise through my headphones. And it’s not that this is a rare occasion – literally every 10 seconds this happens, or some other abnormal creature comes to harass me. (Yeah, after rereading this I can tell you with 100% certainty that zombies with glowing eyes and big, fat purple monsters are definitely not abnormal – don't mention it, I've done it for you.) This genuinely gives me the urge to quit this game and actually get a life. And what’s even worse is that we’re now just shy of 5 months of wildlife not even getting tweaked.

Something else I want to point out – wildlife doesn’t spawn in storm shields. This is not at all a complaint, I’m just pointing out that if wildlife aren’t spawning in by far the most important aspect of the game, they must not be meaningful to the game at all. And they aren’t – nobody wants animals (even the most useless ones) to waste your trap durability and your time building a defense while the mission hasn’t even started, and trying to grief the mission once it starts. You can do a RTS mission, find the modules, and come back to see a wolf broke one of your walls because of it's poorly coded AI.

Last thing I want to point out about animals – the BOTW quest line contrasts with the main story of the game. I’ve heard that in a Canny Valley quest (which I don’t remember), the storm came a very long time ago and ancient humans had to fight it off. But BOTW states that the storm was caused by Gia… so what actually happened? And if you’re going to tell us exactly how the storm was caused, just make a Twine peaks story. We’ve recently had 2 new side quest lines, what about the main story? Is that being worked on? What gives you the time to make 2 new quest lines, but not the continuation of the main story?

  • Lack of attention towards the game

Admittingly, lack of content isn’t what I’m most concerned about for the game. You’re supposed to play through the story, get the best gear, and well, beat the game. There’s meant to be an end. But the playtime lasts so long that you could play this game for almost your whole childhood, and when you reach the end, all you want to do is stay with the game you’ve played and enjoyed for years, but there's just nothing left to do. And this is why everyone is upset at the lack of content. I’m sure there’s many people who disagree, but I’m not putting your opinions down. I too would like to see more with this game, especially since it’s incomplete. What we really need changed though, is how much attention this game gets. We’ve gone almost 5 months without any change to wildlife, as previously mentioned. Does epic even care about us? (I think we all know the answer to this one). If you’re going to keep the game up and running, at least put more than 5 minutes of effort into one update. If we’re unhappy with something, change it. If there’s bugs, fix them. If I have a problem and contact player support, do something about my issue. Like seriously, stop telling me to provide evidence with the issues I'm having, saying you got everything you need, but telling me a multi billion dollar company can't do anything to satisfy one of their customers. Don’t just leave us suffering because your other gamemode has the higher player base.

  • No attraction for new players

I bought stw a very long time ago, and it was only because I heard you could get free v-bucks. Who doesn’t want that? I was very quick to buy this game, only my second season of playing before my purchase. And now my v-buck hungry ass doesn’t play this game for the free money anymore, sometimes I even skip the v-buck missions and daily quests, and change the daily quest even if they give more v-bucks because I don't feel like doing it. I care much more about the actual gameplay now, because this really is an awesome game. (Ig I also have to add – a lot of the new skins are pretty shit, but that's my opinion, and off topic) But what’s bringing new players to stw now? Until next month, (if stw doesn’t come with the next crew pack), that’s what it is. Basically free permanent access. But once that’s gone, no one is going to go out of their way to buy a game they don’t even know if they like. They should consider making a free demo for this game, even if it means just releasing it as the current tutorial. They should also add cosmetics that can be earned by playing stw. But since 99% of Stonewood lobbies are a blazing hell, tons of players will probably quit there after finally getting tired of being boxed up for the 100th time, but getting interrupted from a raptor busting through the door and snapping at them.

This post is basically me just being an idiot and sharing what I hate the most about this game, I hope your time wasn't wasted. And if you disagree with me on something, then politely disagree with me. If we want the devs to actually do something for us, screaming at each other to stfu isn't going to work. I can tell you that much.


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