This game is awesome!

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Guys i just wanna say, this game is so awesome. So me and my friend was set sail to the island next to our Meadow because we assumed it must be the Black Forest, as he finished building a raft, we hopped on and set sail to that thick fog mist land, everything seem normal when we approach near the shore but then from nowhere a big rock from the forest flied into us, and some blue small creatures throwing their rocks. It was really hard to get the raft dock probably because the troll like Flak 8.8 keep throwing big rock. As long as we hit the shore, i quickly built a small defend base like a FOB with 2 beds, trying to defend wave of enemy. They’re keep spawning, me and my friend have to cover each other to build a deep trench, now it was 3 days in game and then we have to save it because we ran out of arrow and food. We decided to ask another friend to send a boat to take us back to our Meadow base for better preparing.

The feeling when approach The Black Forest shore just like Normandy dday feeling, i almost got goosebumps when 2 big Trolls hiding in the forest and attack us by his giant rock. This game is freaking stunned me out!


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