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News and announcements
The first part of Price of Power expansion is titled "Once upon a Pyre" and here's its teaser trailer
Reveal campaign starts this monday with many content-makers having cards to reveal.
The list:
Ace of Plays
Michael Isaev
Today's teaser is not the only video coming with the expansion, so we'd better get ready for a full-sized trailer of the expansion
The launch date for Thronebreaker on Android is June 17th, preregistration has already started!
Q Will Twitch Drops be on during the Gwent Masters?
A Yes, there will be Twitch Drops rewards and, spoiler alert, the divination challenge is coming too.
Q Could we have our favourite card instead of Geralt: Yrden in the main menu?
A We had been thinking about it, it's on our list.
Q Do you plan to upload TWiGs on Youtube channel to give us more visibility?
A I was thinking about this. Maybe I will start doing it. Maybe I won't spam them on Playgwen channel, but make my own Youtube channel, if there's interest for this.
Q Are you going to ban some cards from seasonal modes?
A Yeah, we were thinking about it, but instead of banning some cards, we would like to make new seasonal modes. Not anything toxic or abusive in terms of combos.
Q Is there any chance we're getting new faction leader skins? Like something we could use with druids like Ermion or Crowmother as well as more monster models from Thronebreaker.
A I don't think it's that easy. It's not the matte of taking it out of Thronebreaker and adding to the game. Because if you look on Gwent as a platform in comparison with Thronebreaker, like what it was an what it is now – the game has changed a lot and it would require a lot of work for it.
Q Can we get the explanation video for the kegs of the next expansion.
A It's coming early next week, so get ready for that!
I have a lot of experience with these missions specifically and have noticed from reddit and frontier forums that they are heavily misunderstood and ...