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Tin foil hat theory about boss spawn rates

I’ve seen a bunch of people say that bosses have flat spawn rates, but I haven’t seen much to back it up. I’ve been convinced for some time now that all bosses are spawning at certain times in tarkov, since I’m always seeing bosses in back to back raids. I got my killa kill by running it back right after I died to him. I died to glukhar in two consecutive raids yesterday. When my squad and I were running shoreline quests, we got sanitar three times in a row. I feel like people are saying the rates are flat because it’s just a percentage on the wiki. What if boss spawn rates worked like this:

Glukhar can only spawn on reserve with 20% chance. 20% of 24 hours is 4.8 hours. What if he’s spawning in 4.8 tarkov hour windows?

Let’s say he’s actually spawning between 0:00-4:48. Tarkov time = real time x 7, so it’s about a 41 minute real time window. 41 minutes sounds pretty reasonable for seeing bosses up to 3 times in a row.

But what about the goons? They can spawn on lighthouse, woods, shoreline, and customs. So every, 6 tarkov hours, they have a chance to be on one of those maps. The time windows within those 6 tarkov hours would be the following:

Lighthouse @ 15%: 0.9 tarkov hours (7.7 real minutes)

Woods and Shoreline @ 12%: 0.72 tarkov hours (6.2 real minutes)

Customs @ 5%: 0.3 tarkov hours (2.6 real minutes)

This might explain why the rogues bosses are much harder to find. I’ve only ever seen birdeye once on a scav run at light house and I have about 500 pmc raids and 70 scav raids. Thoughts?


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