Hey Commanders! So, I was just wondering… If the Fdevs were looking for community feedback on two new ships, plus one change for one (non-fleet carrier) ship, what would you like to see?
For me…
I would LOVE to see a medium-sized Vulture running two Huge hardpoints! Something pretty quick and agile with good time on target.
I want to see a large combat vessel from the Alliance. I mean, they bought Lakon two years ago now so I'd love to see that they've taken that time to create their version of a Thargoid-smacking Corvette. The Cheiftan and Challenger's bodybuilding big brother, that used to pick on their fat cousin, the Type-10, when they were younger. Give me a VALID reason to put in work for the Alliance!!!
And I know you guys are probably going to think my one change is absurd, but I wanna see a LOT more range on the Beluga! That massive thing is meant to travel across the Galaxy!!! Now, I've never purchased one, but I think an un-engineered Beluga, fully loaded with passengers, and a 5H FSD Booster putting down 80k jumps would be a game-changer! There are just SOOO many 25-40M credit passenger missions from the bubble to the Colonia area and vice versa, and using the Beluga for that should be a no-brainer. I mean, if people could make 1.5B for a 5hr round trip flight to Colonia and back, they would be doing it all the time! Plus, how cool would that be if a single port in Sol and Colonia acted as hubs for these missions? lol, There'd be Commanders in Belugas everywhere!!!
And imagine every once in a while, when you're scooping through some 1-star system 3,000 light years from the nearest port, you get a little chuckle seeing that hollow rectangle on your scanner, and another Beluga in your contacts.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/116r08x/two_new_ships_plus_ship_nerfbuff_for_elite/