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Update on my rapid change of improved conditions :D

So, I originally posted here and took a bunch of different advice you guys all had. I swapped out for a cargo hauler after selling the gold at a minimal loss, and with the extra money from the sale of the ship, I jumped out to start new trade loops.

Then, I was INCREDIBLY lucky that the community goal of tritium being sold at Curbeam Hub | LHS 3872, was only 140 Ly away, so I jumped over and took advantage of the short trade loops from Blodes.

I am now the proud owner of a Python, have it kitted for exploring with a laden jump range of 20ly, and am about to head into the black, bearing down from the galactic map.

Before I leave, should I bring a mining laser or not? And should I bring offensive hardpoints?

I have a 8 cargo, 2 sheild boosters, surface scanner, and two AFMUs. Any advice or warnings?

Edit ; forgot I have refinery and heat sinks (2x) as well

Edit 2; fuel tank (class 4) and fuel scoop (class 5d) were also forgotten XD


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