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Valve still aren’t doing anything about blatant fraud, theft and botting in the arcade.

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Hi, im a custom game youtuber, and I orginally started out making custom hero clash videos about a year ago. (Not knowing it was stolen until recently).

Some of you may have been here for the week of drama revoling around clash and the devs that made it.
However since all of that happened and they announced darklords death. Mysteriously everyone has stopped talking about it and a week later everything just went back to normal.

Im not here to speculate about the death. Im simple stating nothing has changed and they're still running 4 orginally stolen arcade games, with a disgusting amount of pay to win monetization in them.

I've made a video talking about it and then they banned me from the game and the discord. they obviously don't want me to bring this up again and this is all very fishy. I dont really have a problem with the people there and im not trying to attack them. Im simply saying as a community we shouldn't allow people to do this.

So im doing what I can to bring back attention to the situation as something really should change. Thanks for reading. ( also if you watch the video lmk what you think I love feedback of all kinds thanks!)


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