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We need more rare equipment spawns.

So, loot.

We like loot.

Yes, some people are PvP focued. But those players will often either chase shots, or head to hot-loot spots in the interest of finding other players. Most will also still loot up to keep their PvP grind going.

Which brings us back to loot.

We have heard the 69,420 complaints about the Tech Stores in Interchange (although they suck a lot more now), and how they were the only spots that mattered. Which made them instant brawls and then someone made off with the GPU and the map died.

We also saw a different issue with Lighthouse. Where the entire map was overly laden with high-value loot. So a vast majority of people would loot and scoot near their spawn and the map/raid would quickly become dead or only with Player Scavs left.

But the issue I want to highlight is the type of loot. The valuable loot is very often Tech/Gold spawns. Things like VPX Modules/Gold Skull Rings/Tetriz/Ravens etc.

It mostly small loot that is basically just high-value vendor trash.

None of it is every anything that is exciting beyond the numbers that will be on it's icon when you go to Therapist.

Which, why do we not have hardly any rare equipment spawns (That are reasonably accessible).

You of course can get some rare guns in the Marked Rooms and KIBA. But those keys are either expensive or inaccessible. (Seriously, Dorms Marked Key is Trash, but still Barter Only).

There are some alright guns behind some normal locked doors.

  • Multiple Shoreline Rooms. (M1A / RSASS / Etc. – ALthough these are all EXTREMELY rare in my experience)

  • Built/Stock AKs in RB-TB/RB-AO on Reserve. (And some other rooms.)

Why isn't any rare/high end equipment spawning in more accessible locations that could draw people to them.

We do have SOME

  • Kitted M4s at USEC Camp on Woods.

  • Random Guns in the Car at Storage Town on Customs (HYPER RANDOM)

When looking at Armor it gets even worse. There are some Tarbank/PACA armor spawns sitting around. But hardly anything beyond that. The best you can get is on the manniquens inside KIBA. Which, armor spawns on those is rare AF in general, and normally is an UNTAR armor with a VERY RARE G-ZHel. And still behind a premium door.

Now, the obvious response to this is Bosses/Raiders/Rogues. But those are very far from being the same as general loot options. Especially when we make the value comparison to world loot spawns. I can fill up a tri-zip in Oli on Interchange, Vendor it, and make more money than killing a group of raiders will offer me. Even when factoring in the value of the aprts/guns/etc. Especially since Raider/Boss loot has been nerfed so hard. (I think this is a positive thing.)

AI is the most consistent source of decent ammo though. Since those spawns are alsop extremely slim.

  • Parts Cabin on Woods

  • Couple Shoreline Rooms

That is about it. There are lots of other ammo spawns of course, but they are basically never good ammo. Sure, there is a ton of boxes littering the Emercom Camp on Woods. But man is it normally all shit. The Parts Cabin is consistent with having valuable ammo, which makes it is a point worth going for.

Why is it that we can so easily find and pick up 50-150k worth of vendor trash basically anywhere on most maps. But finding a single gun that sells from vendor at 80k is the rarest thing imaginable.

Yes, SOME of these thigns can spawn in weapon crates. But equipment crates don't have variable rates. The Big Green Weapon box by RUAF on Woods has the same "Rates" as the Big Green Weapon Boxes locked inside Violet on Labs. Which, their massive loot pools make them junk.

Sure, if you loot the like 27 weapon boxes in the garage on Interchange, you MIGHT find a single Mutant and a pile of crap attachments. But that again isn't driving people anywhere.

Increasing the loot options for equipment means that people might find higher end guns, earlier. Which, a high-end gun without high-end ammo isn't a big deal. So if someone finds a .45 Vector and shoves a bunch of FMJ in it. It is still decent, but it isn't RIP/AP.

This would greatly vary up the amount of equipment we might see people using, and would give people another direction to go besides the same Tech/Gold spawns.

Additionally, Equipment is bulky, so it isn't like people are gonna be able to load up on piles of it.

It also just makes progression and general play options more exciting.

This also alleviates people feeling disappointed in Flea Restrictions. Since instead they could pursue equipment spawns if that is what they are after.

Would love your thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

I think we need more world-spawn equipment that is is worth going after.


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