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we will probably never see another hard carry again unless ice frog fundamentally change how the carry role works

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as many of you have know for years, the last proper hard carry we got in the game was terrorblade, a hero released in 2014 almost 8 years ago, and many people have been complaining we didn't got any other hardcarry in recent years, however i do believe most people simply does not understand the real reason why no other hero has taken the mantle of a carry

The way heroes are designed was fundamentally changed

as the years passed icefrog has changed a loot the way he and the dota dev team designs the hero, changing the "rules" around how they make heroes all with the objective of keeping with the new game philosophies they currently have when balancing the game the problem is that those changes inherently conflict with how carries work

with this in mind we can understands the icefrog wants most than anything two things: more intractability, and more team play two things that conflict with how carries work being a greedy and not very interactive role

jungle got nerfed again and again, specifically to be less rewarding, and yield less rewards why? because jungling is not fun, jungling is a passive style of play a hero can go if he wants to stay static for 45 minutes and than win the game without doing anything, and as such any value of jungling was reduced and exchanged by a team shared resource: neutral items

the same can be seen in new hero skills, and reworks, techies was specificity reworked to be a more team oriented, brawler to replace his previous passive play-stile of "sit in trees and wait until someone is dumb enough to walk into your obvious traps"

even new heroes are being designed towards having new mechanics specifically towards bringing new team play oriented styles and MORE versatility towards the hero

as a symptom of this it is easily noticed that new heroes can all be played in various roles, Primal beast is both a pos 4 and a 3, hoodwink is a mid and a support, and MK can be played in all roles in the game if the right conditions are met

Carry is a Outdated role and can't keep up with new releases

currently as it stands, a proper "hard carry" is a hero that in the base of base, farms a loot, and than use that farm to snowball a victory, it is inherently a late game hero that needs someone to babysit his game, be a support constantly stacking, and warding, or a mid/offlane opening and protecting space so your typical AM can finish his 6 slot build and win the game by 50 minutes

a carry is a hero that wants to farm, wants to kill, and wants to "carry" by himself, and as such most carries are right clickers with some item scaling skill, something to easy his farm, and some kill/escape tool, the problem of this is that most of those needs are against what most heroes have today, most heroes currently don't want a "spin to win" like jugg, or a "instakill support" like PA, and their skillets have been made into being more team oriented, just look at the most recent release PB and his skillset that is in it's entirety made to engage into fights and take priority targets while also causing havoc as a distraction so his team can make plays, non look at your typical carry such as AM, where his entire skillset is made towards farming fast, getting in a battle, stealing a single kill and than leaving as fast as he can

we don't need a new carry, the carry role needs a changeas stated, previously the game has changed, greedy play-stiles give much less rewards, and every other role non has much more impact all game than a carry will have in lategame, the itemization warding and help from a hard support is what keeps the game alive for cores to make plays, the ganking initiation and utility of a soft supp is what pushes a game forwards, mids and offlaners are what opens space and keeps it, so the team can finish the game farm and push objectives while carries in other hand? they take the space betting on a 50/50 chance they will either win the game by themselves, or lose trying


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