What is your opinion on Epidemic?

witcher gwent cards

I have been struggling at fighting Ogroid deck for a long time so I decided to try this 4p card that can get rid of those 10 power cyclops cheaply and it works reasonably well. The thing is it has to be good against other decks too for it to be viable. I haven’t played that much and can’t remember all the 4p cards you commonly encounter for each matchup. This is what I can think of.

Monster: enraged cyclops, ice troll, aristocrat, fiend, so many targets!

Scoia’tael: fledgling, chameleon, swordmaster and couple of dwarfs are all I can think of so mainly it covers harmony and dwarf archtypes but does not help against nature.

Skellige: little havfrue, invader, light longship, funeral boat, armoured drakkar and berserker comes to mind. Quite a number of targets across many archtypes.

NG: other than fire scorpion I can’t think of any. I don’t see illusionist anymore.

NR: other than squire I can’t think of much too. Most commonly used NR cards seems to be 5p+

Syndicate: I have little knowledge on how syndicate works so other than sea jackal I’m blank!

Would appreciate if someone can help me think of any decks and cards epidemic would be good with!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/17u4ez1/what_is_your_opinion_on_epidemic/

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