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What Underused Cards Would You Actually Like To See Changed?

witcher gwent cards

I've seen a lot of posts over the last few months calling for some major nerfs to certain cards and archetypes, (Golden Nekker, Reavers, Compass, removing Nilfgaard from the game, etc.) Which, honestly, aren't completely without merit.

I also saw a comment on a recent post saying that something like 50% (?) of cards never see play. Which is pretty tragic considering so many incredible card arts and unique abilities are never seen due to being overshadowed by the more meta cards.

I am of the opinion that we should be nerfing stronger cards to match weaker cards instead of the other way around..but I digress.

So my question is what cards and archetypes would you ACTUALLY like to see? Even minor changes. For example, until recently I had forgotten about a lot of the weather cards. [[Torrential Rain]] [[Biting Frost]] [[Impenetrable Fog]] and [[Skellige Storm]] are cards that I honesty forgot existed.

Weather effects like rain and frost are in a decent spot already, while fog and storm seem to have almost no use or support whatsoever.

Fog is a really cool effect with potential to destroy units hidden behind immunity/defenders, but is only used by foglets.

Storm is in a similar boat, Skellige having plenty of cards that interact with it, but only having Fulmar to actually put it on the board – which is awkward at best.

One minor change that could breathe some life into Storm would be to give Skellige Storm the 'Alchemy' tag, allowing it to be tutored by Ermion.

I want to avoid a ramble if possible, but I'd love to hear what the gorgeous people of r/Gwent think. What are some ideas you have to breathe something that resembles life into cards you never see?


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