What’s a quick way to make some money? I just lost everything because my ship wouldn’t leave the dock and was destroyed for trespassing :/

I had worked my way up to an Anaconda last time I played, it has 20m insurance cost but I had lost so many ships I was down to under 15m left. Just came back on and spent an evening doing massacre missions to grind up to 30m, and then lost it all again in a docking accident.

Literally just undocking from a space station, the advanced docking computer didn't activate so I had to do it manually and my ship physically would not go through the slot. I lined it up like normal and it just kept clipping on the undock slot and I got a trespassing warning and then blown up.

So there goes the night's work and I'm back at 10m and not enough left to replace my ship. I also have a Fer-De-Lance (5m insurance), Type-6 Transporter, Imperial Courier, Eagle, Adder, and Sidewinder.

What are some quick ways to make money these days so I can afford insurance again? I'm so close to just uninstalling the game again.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/111p7ml/whats_a_quick_way_to_make_some_money_i_just_lost/

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