Categories: Among UsDiscussion

White List Matchmaking Option

What would be your opinion on a matchmaking white list option?

You add friends to the list. Players who you like for whatever reason (mine being instant quitter avoidance).

When you are waiting in a lobby, an alert will appear when the system identifies a player in a lobby who is on your list, and asks if you would like to join them. Listing all the differences in the game settings, such as map and other settings like speed and timers, etc.

If it finds someone, and you say yes and there is a space, its ejects you from the lobby you are in, into that game.

I know it could be difficult to pull off in a way that would please everyone, but I think it would go a way to deal with the instant quitter issue.

Alternately, do more work on making the crewmate game style more attractive to the type of player who wants to be imposter all the time. Make a new role maybe? "Detective" or "Security" role? Not sure how those roles would work, but maybe something along the lines of setting traps etc.


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