Honestly think about this.
You are able to run across the entire map without ever seeing A SINGLE RAIDER OR GUARD towards the first sound you hear – PvP – immediately extract – repeat.
WHY are you able to run across the ENTIRE MAP without ever seeing a SINGLE RAIDER?
How is Lighthouse more heavily guarded than LABS????
You guys really think the Labs would be ruined by adding 1 group of raiders on each floor at the start of a raid?…..
It would be CRAZY to think that the map with the best loot & top corporate secrets of a multi-billion $$$ corporation might have 1 or 2 maybe 3 small groups of raiders patrolling a floor at the beginning of the raid?
They arent that hard to kill. It just adds some noise/dynamic to the flow of the gameplay in labs
Are you guys really this attached to the "Labs Arena Meta" that we have now that adding 1, 2 or 3 groups of raiders across the map is just completely outlandish & outside of the lore (which its not…)?