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Why the hate towards bkb?

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I’ve seen countless posts in the last few weeks ranting about bkb, and how overpowered and over bought the item is.

Do these people not realize, that bkb is balancing the game so perfectly, and even small changes to it, would completely change the game. The item has very poor buildup, and against many line ups/heroes bkb wont save you.

Dota is basically a game where everything has potentiale to be overpowered, and imagine how many changes to heroes we would need, if bkb recieved more nerfs.

We already have overwhelming amount of burst damage and disables in dota, and we need to have the option to rush a bkb. Also we have seen countless games in the major, where bkbs will get kited, or just pierced through.

The only change i would want towards bkb, is after using refresher, your hero recieves a debuff that causes bkb duration to be lowered by 30-50% for the next 15 seconds.


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