Worse Strict Solo Queue, Ranked Role Matches since Matchmaking Update

Dota2 Mods

10k behavior score, Archon 2 rank.

Is anyone else experiencing significantly worse strict solo queue, ranked role matches? Before the update, I could find a game in 5 minutes queueing as Carry and get matched with players of a similar rank (Archon 2 plus minus 1). Match quality was pretty decent with picks that fit the roles selected, and players generally playing to win.

Nowadays, not only does it take 10+ minutes to find a match while queueing all roles, but the match quality is way worse. Getting matched with constant griefers of all types: bad picks, bad itemizations, toxic personalities, players claiming to be smurfs and wanting core roles when selecting support.

Is there an invisible behavior score that has me lower than what my 10k suggests? Or is this just an unlucky streak of DotA games? It wouldn't be so bad if queue times were back to normal, but I'm waiting 10min+ for games like this.

Wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing this or just me.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/wb85gr/worse_strict_solo_queue_ranked_role_matches_since/

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