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Wrote some fake patch notes.

DOTA 2 Guides

Magnus aghanims rework: shockwave now applies an attack on every unit hit (creeps take half the damage, applies on hit effects such as cleave)

Invoker at level 4 quas instead of getting 2 forge spirits per cast gets 2 charges of forge spirit spell (no longer kills previous spirit upon cast)

Rubick level 25 talent from 40% spell amp on stolen spells to spell steal also grants all relevant talents (ability draft already recognizes when your hero has specific talents for specific abilities)

A new item, built from force staff and solar crest, allows you to vector target force staff, moves half the distance when targeting enemies, also applies solar crest buff/debuff accordingly

Armlet no longer gives strength on active, instead increases max HP, hp Regen and attack instead by the same values as it does on strength heroes currently. (It already builds from items that provide 0 strength)

New item built from armlet, mask of madness, recipe: has stats from both the items, passively activates armlet effects (including health loss/second) for 2 seconds whenever you attack an enemy hero (duration refreshes whenever you attack), gets deactivated if no heroes are attacked for 2 seconds.
Can be activated to gain bonus movespeed, attack speed and lose some armor. You lose control of your hero and it attacks whatever it finds, prioritizing heroes, you are unkillable for the duration of the buff, hp cannot drop below 1 unless axe ulted (basically current troll ult)

Troll ult reworked:
Literally anything else than what it currently is, anything that let's you actually play your hero.

Bkb will additionally permenantly lose 1 second of it's duration if you die during it's active, can go down to a minimum of 3 seconds.

Nature's prophets shard reworked:
Treants don't use up duration when close to trees and not attacking. Can have a set max number of treants alive at any given time (20?)

Huskar aghanims now only applies taunt when a target hit by life break is attacked by huskar during life break slow. (Will therefore work against bkb but not ghost scepter/ethereal form or when huskar is disarmed)

Dark seer shard reworked:
Whenever any illusion created by wall of replica is targeted by a single target buff, the buff will be replicated onto all illusions that were created by that wall of replica. (For example if you have 5 illusions that are alive from one cast of wall, and you use ion shell on one illusion, all 5 illusions get an ion shell each, same for surge, solar crest etc) ((considers normal punch illusion a part of last cast of wall, if both happen to have living illusions at the same time))

Killing an enemy flagbearer creep heals just your hero for a small amount, scales with game time

Using helm of the dominator/overlord when an already dominated unit is alive will grant the bounty for the kill to the enemy player if the previous unit was damaged by a player source in the last 5 seconds.

Windranger aghanims rework: powershot is now global, and can be charged for an additional 5 seconds before release. (Like the original shard, when it crosses the previous cast range it will stop providing vision, hitting creeps, and will stop at the first enemy hero hit)
Deals flat value as magical damage (hits max amount at 1 second of charging) and then applies damage as though you landed a number of attacks on the target based on the additional charge duration.
For example a full 6 second charged Powershot will hit for full magical value of 1 second channel of PowerShot and then as it was charged for 5 additional seconds it applies 5 attacks worth of damage (this will only hit the first enemy hero in it's trajectory no matter at what range)((maybe change numbers if too overpowered/underwhelming))

Just some random ideas I had, lmk what you think.


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