Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Yearly reminder that Kunkka and Legion Cmdr 2nd styles are still permanently locked aftr Battle Pass

Some history:

Those were the rather early days of Dota 2 in around 2016, when exclusive prestige items were still quite a new concept.

Anyway, Valve tested out the idea of making the style unlock quests only available DURING battle pass, and not unlockable anymore after battle pass ended. But they quickly realised it was a bad idea to make the whole playerbase compete to play the same hero in order to unlock the 2nd style of the battle pass skin (battle pass duration was also shorter then).

So today, fortunately, all the battle pass arcanas like Faceless Void, Queen of Pain, Windranger etc, you can unlock after the battlepass ends, without being forced to do it only during the battlepass.


Can we also have a quest again for those 2 heroes to unlock their second styles? For those of us who already paid for the items but couldn't unlock in time during battle pass.

Make the quest super difficult that's fine but do give us a second chance.

Some of us couldn't unlock the second styles in time during battle pass because the hero was always picked or banned (LC was popular at that time, and honestly, making everyone compete to pick the same hero to do the quest probably wasn't a great idea, some players probably did 3/4 of the quest progress and then the battle pass ended already and their chance was gone)


They can just insert a rune into the item to track the quest progress, just like they did with the green lion arms.

Valve also updated the Earthshaker prestige item recently so they do pay some attention to some of these older items too, much appreciated if Valve can give us loyal players (who've been supporting and buying skins from the game since 2016) another chance to complete those quests again.


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