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Bangalore BUFF IDEAS*Much Needed* Please Read

I hope people read and agree with me. Please share so maybe the devs see it.

So I've been a bang main since basically the beginning. Her smokes decent but over time there soooooo many counters to it for the bang and for the team. So here's some examples… Bang smokes a fight the counters could be…

Crypto drone, bloodhound (LB and ALT!) Caustic gas he can gas your smoke you run into it he sees you and you don't see him, and basically everyone who has a digi or thermal scope.

So basically smoking a fight can put your team at such a huge disadvantage(for example you smoke a fight other team has digi r99 and no one on your teams has one) . I don't think it's balanced that your own kit goes against you/your team. So my solution is simple let at least bang see enemies in the smoke, doesn't have to be full blown outline but something where you have the slight advantage. And before people say it's OP caustic basically has the same thing but I'm my opinion much more useful.

Also another complain when you shot the smoke A) they need to INSTANTLY deploy the smoke and B) NOT HAVE A DANG BOUNCE BEFORE THE POP AND SMOKE. It makes it really hard to pin point your shots when you try to smoke snipers or roofs. Since you hit the top of the building the smokes drop and don't fully cover the area.

Bang is basically one of the only characters that didn't get any buffs and these small changes would make bang much more usable and maybe be brought up to a higher standard.

So what's everyone opinions? Any bang mains agree?


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