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Changes that need to be made to apex (in my opinion) BTW this is very long.

In my opinion, APEX is at the least enjoyable point it has ever been and these are the changes i think need to happen, please put our own suggestions in the comments as i really want to get some opinions on things i might have overlooked.


I think that 90% of us can agree that matchmaking in this game isn't the best and as a mid tier player, i would say that i can see both sides of the argument for SBMM. So here's my solution: give lower tier players (so any players below a certain KD or Lvl) would get put in their own lobbies, and everyone else gets lumped together in what is effectively a zero SBMM lobby.

Ranked also seems to be broken, and most people i speak to agree that there are too many high tier players in lower rank lobbies (i can say as a P4 player, i am guaranteed to get a 3 stack of preds every match) i think this is a simple matter of the devs changing what ranks get matched with what (i.e, GET THE FREAKING DIAMONDS AND PREDS OUT OF MY PLATINUM LOBBIES)

Loot pool:

For the most part the loot pool feels good, other than i feel that light ammo and backpacks feel rare but that might just be me being to blind to see them when i need them.

Balancing (legends):

This is every balance change i think should be made for every character

Bloodhound: "Perfectly balanced, as all things should be"

Gibby: Make his passive shield absorb the first 1-2 bullets rather than 50HP cause he feels so dominant in a 1v1.

Lifeline: "Perfectly balanced, as all things shou- hol up, buff her drone, it should either A. heal faster or B. give fast heals when using it (25%), maybe nerf the rez by making it a 5 sec rez and not 4 sec.

Pathfinder: Buff his tactical cooldown from 35s to 25s

Wraith: Make her Passive feel substantial by telling the player what direction they are being looked at from, otherwise she's good in her current state.

Bangalore: Double down on her ability to make space with her ult by making the rockets act like proximity mines rather than acting on a fuse, also reduce the cooldown on her ult, it takes so damn long.

Caustic: Make his gas obstruct vision a little less, for both enemies and teammates, making it more team based with out making it too broken.

Mirage: Just make the decoys have some amount of AI when not being manually controlled, let them climb, strafe and slide.

Octane: give him a passive speed boost but reduce his stim boost back to 30% (so when he uses it, it still totals up to 40%) and i saw this idea before on another post, maybe make him give a mini AOE adrenaline boost when the stim ends, to make him more team based like the devs said they wanted to.

Wattson: Shes good, just don't make her ult zap friendly nades.

Crypto: Let him deploy his drone by throwing it like a grenade in order to lessen those situations where you have to leave your team in a 2v3 to use your ability.

Revenant: give his totem its range back, but increase the range by 35 – 50%, and maybe increase the damage to 30 so it actually feels more substantial during a gunfight.

Loba: Fix her tactical and reduce the length of that animation after she teleports.

Balancing (weapons):

I feel weapons are balanced for the most part, apart for a few things.

Sentinel: buff the damage to 75-80 (so 150-160 headshot) so it can one shot headshot a white armor rather than it barely being able to kill someone.

Triple Take: Nerf the fire rate as it melts at all ranges, this would also obviously make it a more precision based gun, as snipers should be, also give it the choke at stock cause the choke is too common for such a minor improvement.

Mastiff: make it more consistent by doing something similar to what Fortnite did in season 6 where it has a minimum damage of the damage of 3 pellets.

Thats all i can think of, but the last thing is the servers, please Respawn, the lag is unbearable and often gets me killed because i think i made it around the corner but instead i get shot because the servers are being weird.

But like is said, please leave your own suggestions and opinions in the comments.


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