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‘Dashboarding’ Judgment Day Worries!

Hi all, I recently learned of this:

This is honestly good but I am starting to get a little worried.

First of all, this season I hit Diamond IV, clean way (Solo queuer) and proud of it, I am by no means a Dashboarder, I hit diamond the last month and I learned about dashboarding 2 weeks ago.

I am getting worried about how respawn will judge the dashboarders, I think some people may get punished by mistake. When I was in Plat, there were 2 or 3 times I got disconnected from the game, you know, the damn code:net and code:leaf whatever tf they are, either the servers crashed or something happened with my internet or game that it disconnected me from the game, I was by no means dead or any of my teammates were dead, we were actually on the top 5, I had nothing to lose actually on those games, there were sometimes in Plat where I did rage quit but I never ever did the Alt+f4 thing, I did lose my RPs and got my time penalty.

And right now, Im stuck at Diamond IV, I can't rank up because of these dashboarders quitting, and because the skill gap between Diamond/Pred and Platinum is quite significant, however, my main concern is, how is respawn going to identify and punish these dashboarders, when there is many people that ranked up in a clean way but got game crashes in ranked games like me?

What about those people that ranked up because of these dashboarders without the intention to cheat? You know, some people didnt have the intention to cheat or dashboard but they ranked up because of loss forgiveness when their dashboarding mates quitted the game.

I don't know if respawn keeps like a register about how many times a player gets disconnected from the game per day.

Im hyped for these assholes getting punished but it would be terrible to be punished by mistake, specially when I struggled so hard to get into D IV.


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