Sbmm is making pubs a nightmare. A pred player shouldn’t always be on tryhard because they are matched with preds and bad players should be able to learn but if they are constantly paired with bad players the wont. So here are some good things about removing sbmm. First of all people can play with their friends. In apex if you are good but your friends are bad they will be thrown into your lobbies and die. Without sbmm then this won’t happen and you can enjoy the game. Second of all, bad players will get better. If a bad player is always against bad players they won’t learn. If you always beat someone at chess but they keep going easy on you then you will not learn. Three, less smurfs. Smurfing is another problem entirely but if sbmm wasn’t in the game then a lot of smurfs would disappear. A reason pros smurf is so they can enjoy the game without having to fight preds, without sbmm they won’t need to make smurfs. Four, good players can teach bad players. If they are matched with bad players there is a opportunity to teach them and for bad players to learn. These are some good things that can happen if SBMM is removed from pubs

Posted on CategoriesApex Legends, Discussion
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