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Loving the new event, really not loving the new buffs and nurfs….

As you may know, gibby in the new event got yet ANOTHER buff (even though a large population of the community has been wanting a nurf). And wraith has been given yet ANOTHER nurf. Although I am loving the new update I really don't like the choices respawn are making for there buffs and nurfs. Gibrultar needs the opposet of a buff if anything, I really don't know where the information respawn are getting to determine if somthing needs a nurf or buff but somthing is very wrong with it… Also I still don't agree with the wraith nurf but it's not as bad a the gibby buff in my opinion, as I see wraith as being pritty balanced from what I have seen, although sweaty players usually main her this doesn't mean she needs another nurf like she was perfectly balanced before the patch and I havnt ever seen or heard anyone ask for this, where as for legends like gibby and pathfinder large amounts of people have been begging for them to be nurfed, but instead they buff these legends.

I also think with this new patch it has made life line even more redundant then before (now gibby is practically replacing her from the heals in the dome to a faster respawn time now and a 360 shield while respawning) I just don't see the obsession respawn has with buffing gibby now he is extreamly good. Like so many more legends needs buffing before anyone is thinking about gibby. Where is the blood hound buff? Where is the octain buff? Where is the crypto buff (I know he has been buffed but I really don't think it's enough to make him viable). All these legends need critical attention before anyone on the devs team even starts thinking about gibby…


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