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Ranked change I would like to see

I’ve been playing ranked a lot lately and I haven’t been really progressing. I would get about 2 knockdowns in a squad just to get finished by the 3rd guy when my teammates aren’t around. Just for me team to get outnumbered and so on. I believe that a person should get rewarded more in ranked. Like getting RP for damage and knockdowns. Ik it has happened to me where I would get about 1000 damage for 1 kill and 1 assist. And as mentioned I have been on multiple occasions in one of the knockdown situations where 2 are knock last member kills me and revives their teammates to become a 3 on 2 against my team mates.

To summarise I would like to see players being rewarded for dealing damage and getting knockdowns. Even if it is 2RP per 100 damage which is a full unshielded knockdown. Or for a knockdown a person get 5RP but if it becomes a kill then a player gets the normal 10RP for a kill without the bonus 5. It doesn’t have to be exactly as the example I gave but it gives players the motivation to push engagements and be rewarded even if they lose the gun fight


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