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Revenant (Silence) buff idea

So silence needs a buff. Here are my 4 ideas.

  1. The device already explodes on contact. but hitting someone with that thing is so aggravating.
    solution. Give us the option to ping an enemy, then like a heat sinking missile. Silence will go to them. no aim needed just ping and shoot. OR let us turn the arc aim into a straight line. so you can aim it directly at people.

  2. Give us 2 of them. like Bangalore smoke. it's just way too small. and no idiot is going to walk into it.

  3. gravity star. link? make it so you dont have to be pinpoint. have it pull enemy's in for a short time, or if there lets say five feet away, it just links to them.

  4. more damage. it does 10 damage like a grenade. then nothing. if it worked like a thermite. so you hit an enemy with it then it doses four damage or whatever over those 10 seconds. or maybe it blinds them. stuns them. something! as of now you aim, hit a enemy with it, and it just feels like something that cool should have a bigger impact.

in conclusion. I have 25 kills with him. I know they're not going to use any of my ideas. I use him for (Stalker) his passive ability its so Op.


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