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Revenant’s Ult Changes

I've been playing revenant for a few days now and I gotta say his kit doesn't feel very good to use. His grenade is ok but requires a lot more precision than you would expect from a grenade. The climbing bonus is cool, but the crouch speed hasn't made much of a regular difference in my games. Plus, if I have to be slapped with low profile as a "balance" mechanic I'd rather just not have the quicker crouch speed.

His Ult is by far my least favorite, maybe I'm just unlucky but I feel like that it only ever leaves me in a worse situation than when I started. You don't have shields so you get shredded almost immediately by any weapon (or 3 punches I guess). On top of that, it leaves you with 1 HP left so you then go into the rest of the team fight with at least a 99 HP disadvantage. And unless the other team has no button mapped to walk forward they can just push you and kill you.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad if you could hide the totem far away and then charge, but the range keeps you from doing that in most situations. Maybe remove the range limit on the totem to allow players to be creative? Or have it so that when you bind to the totem, once your shadow is killed you respawn back with whatever health you had when you were linked. I mean it's an ULTIMATE ability it should feel somewhat powerful to use no?


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