I don't want to make yet another one of those "SBMM is ruining the game posts" but I just need to vent my expiernce. Im not so bothered with the fact that most games are extremely sweaty. Imo that's not that bad, I actually prefer a challenge. But unfortunately I'm in that percentage of the players that are to good to play against noobs but at the same time don't stand a chance against the elite players I face in pubs. It is no longer a challenge it is in fact IMPOSIBLE. I don't have the movement or aim these guys have and belive me when I tell you I try my ass off. I just can't see myself playing this game anymore knowing I can't even get to the top 10 without sitting in the corner of the map. And I really enjoy the gun fights in this game but I'm just not good enough to last more than 10 seconds fighting. I try to make the best plays posible but don't possess the skills to kill people when they overcommit. And I just get charged by 3 players with 20 kill badges as if one wasn't enough already. It's clear that SBMM is here to stay and it helps the game a lot with new players staying in the game but for players like me it's become unplayable. It really sucks to have to stop playing a game I actually really enjoy and I feel for the players having the same experience as me.

Posted on CategoriesApex Legends, Discussion
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