Tier 1-these legend will be in almost 99% of the team.No need to show footage of them becos they are obvious to be used
1)Wattson-she will probably still be in all 20 teams as she is in scrims becos of her tactical and must needed ult
2)Wraith-She will be on average 19 teams alongside wattson due to teleportation ability
Tier-2-These 3 legend will be 3rd alongside tier 1 legends in 95% of teams in tournaments.Again no need to show footage becos they are obviously necessary for team
3)Pathfinder-Yes even after nerf he is a gud pick mostly due to his passive and a bit due to his ult.He is in 45-50% of teams in scrims
4)Gibraltar-Shockingly his nerf has hit more harder than path in terms of tournament/scrims and he will is used in 25-30% of teams due to his bubble and insane health
5)Caustic-Already seen success in eu and after buff he is used in 20-25% of teams due to his offense and defense
Tier -3.These 3 legends are atleast seen in scrims in 10% of team but 1% chance to be seen in tournament.I will give you footage of them seen in tournament to make it beleive u becos it is shocking
6)Loba-yes theif is getting a chance mainly due to her ult in some team in scrim.Watch 02:53:17 of
7)Crypto-mainly due to his ult and tactical he is still used in scrims. watch 03:26:20 of
8)Mirage-WTH?AM I JOKING?Yes the last legend who is played in scrim is all time worst legend(before s5) mirage!. watch 03:06:54 of
Tier -4-these legends can easily be seen in high ranked in within atleast 5 matches but have not more than 1/100000 chance to appear in tournament
9)Lifeline-healing abilities gud support but not used in scrims
10)Banglore-smoke helps team sometimes
11)Bloodhound-They are easily spotted in diamond/master lobbies
12)Revenant-His ult is difficult to use but his silence has some value
13)Octane-unfortunately it is very rare to see an octane played by masters/predators.His buffs are coming for sure
Thank you-
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/gov0tu/so_s5_patch_notes_were_big_and_all_legends_are/