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Tired of shit teammates

This topic has been beat to death but today I have yet to get a win out of dozens of games, and almost every game I get 2 teammates with kills in the double digits, not even level 50. I'm tired of having to queue up half a dozen times before I actually feel comfortable playing the match. It's just ridiculous. Matchmaking should be divided by level. If you're not level 250+ or have 500+ kills, I'm leaving the game. I'm not going to waste my time or yours because there's not a snowball's chance in hell I can carry against premade squads. It's not fun having a decent loadout and doing well but the numbers are against you so before you know it, BAM squad eliminated. Cant explain how much I love spending 5 minutes looting before running into a single squad only to get absolutely demolished 3v1. I play with friends but they get frustrated and end up quitting to play other games. I dont plan to stop playing, but I wont be spending any more money on this game until I feel it's going to good use.


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