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With the return to kings canyon…

Tldr: wraith voidwalker skin + recolour for veteran players who already have it so they can have something aswell.

Now is as good a time as any I feel to bring back the void walker skin if they were going to do it. The labs are available again, plus it’d be a nice way for those who didn’t get the skin to acquire it (especially as during the event you didn’t need to do anything special to get it other than spend coins). For veteran players I thought they could work on a recolour of said skin, I was thinking that because her suit is white like the liberator skin (bear with) that the suit could have a recolour similar to vengeance seeker. A black and red suit with a bright red visor would be cool I think? I realise now more than ever it’s hard for respawn to get work done and I acknowledge that the virus has slowed down most to everything with this game but I thought it could be a neat idea for not just now but if this skin ever returned. As a player who came in midway through season 3, I’m really gutted I didn’t get this skin but hey I guess that’s what makes it an event exclusive, if they don’t bring it back I hope there’s at least a sick wraith skin in the future that’s just as dope. Thought over.


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