Unmarketable Bloodfeather Finery
How much time has passed and I still can’t just sell these items? People have already sent gifts, changed the name and description, but the ...
The most-played game on Steam. Every day, millions of players worldwide enter battle as one of over a hundred Dota heroes. And no matter if it’s their 10th hour of play or 1,000th, there’s always something new to discover. With regular updates that ensure a constant evolution of gameplay, features, and heroes, Dota 2 has truly taken on a life of its own.
How much time has passed and I still can’t just sell these items? People have already sent gifts, changed the name and description, but the ...
I usually like to P4 disables (tusk, ES, Bara and Lion) but every now and then I feel like going position 1. When I’m planning to go P1, I like to ...
On December 5th, it will have been one year since last Techies Day. I want to do something special to celebrate and keep the cause going. I encourage ...
People who actually care about real world matters will not stop encouraging people to stay away from supporting the riyadh.
It will never stop.
If ...
Check out the Top 5 Biggest Guide Changes
I am now beginning to rewrite tooltip texts (300,000+ words)
If you enjoy my guides, check out my ...
Genuine question.
We hear people complain about it on a daily basis.
- Smurfs ruining the balance of games
- Griefers getting upset for no reason ...
I do not know why people are mad.
Play support and your core auto attacks creeps, pushes the lane so you have to pull all the time. Your ...
Due to the map changes (extra camps, tormentor, wisdom rune, multiple bounty runes), relatively large sums of money being rewarded from killing ...
I am 5400 mmr (divine 4) and the people i play with and have been for months now are only 1k mmr or lower. Obviously we do not play ranked, so we do ...
He respond to the question of a user about Furia if they will make a dota 2 team and this is his reply to that question:
I believe that DOTA2 needs ...
I've seen some comments in the posts about behavior score where people are saying they report teammates who refuse to communicate and some of my ...
I‘ve started wondering as to what scores are considered „normal“
i have 8k mmr on the europe server atm and my behaviour is swinging between 9-9.5 ...