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Coming back from a 2/3 year break first 100 game session

So i completed my 100-game session after returning from a 2-3 year break, the game has changed a lot. So my thoughts and opinions on several things.

Gold spam meta honestly the game feels like you have to grind an hour a day in tier 8s with boosters in order to play tier X. I think the average tier x game costs me 50-80k credits in order to stay competitive

New maps all of them seem awful, low effort by WG to add new maps that smaller than 1000×1000

Gold still seems worthless I have like 125k+ left over from 2020 Christmas that's down from like 350k+ I had at peak, all the new prem tanks cant be bought with gold.

The game is very different though super fast-paced most tanks that are under 3.5k dpm for tier X and 2.5k for tier 8 aren't very competitive. you could tell within the first 3 minutes whos going to win or lose the game. Also, why is everyone allergic to the cap circle and would rather lose than actually win the game?

Average player- the average world of tank players seems worse than back when I played even coming back i averaged about 2200-2400wn8 which is tragic and only ended up with a 60% WR. I used to be at 3600-3800 and 65-68%.

Player count seems low although i feel like this game is going backward in many ways the balance is very wonky which brings me to my next point. Why are we allowed to overtune our tanks so much. Like I can take my S conq give it 10% hp then also get another almost 2.5hp/t from equipment, or I can take my stb from 3100 to 4k dpm. Bond equipment was already a lot but this new experimental equipment on same tank is beyond stupid. How well a s conq handles with almost a 20% engine power boost is a war crime.

Matchmaking – yeah still a complete joke, decides to not put any light tank on prokhorovka but 3 in himmelsdorf. Speaking of which we now have multiple subclass of tank why aren't those matched up with each other, like matching a grille and a object 264 v4 against each other isn't fair they are made for 2 different thing. either way +1-1mm needs to happen.

RNG yeah idk why 25% is still in the game for pen and damage needs to be at most 10% preferably 5%. Also for aiming there no reason why my grille should be a fully aimed shot at 300m. RNG overall needs be reduced in this game by a huge margin like a 80% rng and dispersion tightening would be better for the game I feel like.

Wheeled tanks – complete stupid concept idk why they haven't been removed world of tanks not world of personal carriers.

Arty, thank god I can hide my stats with the setting but still indirect fire shouldn't be a game mechanic in a game mode that doesn't allow respawns.

Overall fun factor of the game 6/10 I played for about 11 hours today I only had maybe 15-20 fun games. The most fun I had where 6-8k dmg losses and ties. The fact that a good 50% of the games ended in less then 5 minutes really doesn't make this game entertaining to play.

Crews- gotta love WG selling 3 perk crews with 0 perk bia in 180$ bundles because they very well know the game is basically unplayable with a crew that doesn't at least have 3-5 perk (depending on the vehicle) Cant wait to see what a overturned disaster and mess crew 2.0 will be.

Like I kept up with the game for most of this time watching skill4ltu so I still knew most of my map placements and where to go. Coming back to the game didn't feel bad at all I had my first 5k damage game within 10 games of starting to play again, it felt like standing up after you've been sitting for a hour on the toilet on tik tok.

Why did I come back, Simple the games I was playing got boring, runescape hasn't had a proper update in almost a year, and destiny 2 will most likely be an unplayable mess with all the light fall changes they will be making.

So i played roughly 274 games in 3 days been a nice experience but the game is just very different overall.


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