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Does RNG mess with M4A1 Rev. gun accuracy?

Hear me out , i have almost 1k battles in this tank , and i absolutely love it for its high alpha and ability to snipe and support.

But ive started to notice something rather strange now that i have played it for this long , it seems like RNG makes this tank miss its fully aimed shots more often then with other tanks of a simmilar accuracy.

Its supposed to have 3.3(3.2 if you are going with vents instead of coated optics , but im not) dispersion , just like the T-44 for an example which i also have , but in that tank almost every shot i fire fully aimed at a long distance lands on its target most of the time , while this thing feels like its ignoring its own accuracy stats and just chooses to flip a coin every time it fires fully aimed at a long distance target to decide if it will hit

Now this is where it gets even stranger

Ive had 5 battles in a row where i decided to play like a support medium instead of a sniper and ive missed shots that were DEAD on the targets that were SHORT range and almost fully exposed , the times it did hit it would land on some bullshit angle on the top of the tank and ricochet.

Ive started to wonder are there some hidden accuracy stats that WG isnt showing us that differ from tank to tank that decide where shots will land , i know the better the accuracy the more often the shot will go thowards the center of the aiming reticle , but for the Rev it just doesnt feel that way. Infact it feels like im firing a gun thats closer to having between 0.35 and 0.39 dispersion and not 0.33/32

Conclusion :

Im not usually the type of person that wears a tinfoil hat before he goes to sleep , but the amount of bad luck ive had with this specific gun on this specific tank is borderline impossible.

Is Wargaming hiding something from us?


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