Follow up post for Alliance 8 mission for 279e

Hello! So I read a post last week from a reddit user about how you should be able to do this mission despite HE nerfs. The original post was: this one. After a few days of trying myself (being stuck on this for months) I have finally managed to do it in 8 matches out of 10(almost with honors failed 29/30 in the last game). For people still struggling I would highly suggest this method. Yes it will break your stats a bit and yes you might fail a couple of times but in the end you will do it. Also I learned where pretty much all the crew members and modules are for each tier 9 and 10 tank so that helped a bit. As it was mentioned in the previous post Eagle Eye really helps so that you know which modules and crew members are damaged. Don't trust people that say you cannot do it with HE, they are lying or they don't know about this method. And to end it I hope you get to read this previous owner. Couldn't have done it without your help and all my thanks go to you. Good luck guys and try not to rage when you get 23/25 like I did 3 times.


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